Working out can feel like a repetitive chore when you aren’t reaping the benefits of your hard work. Between jumping jacks, sit ups and mile run’s, how do you make sure you are working out smart in order to work out better?
To help maintain your health and get your body up to pace with your workout here are 4 tips.
1. Don’t stress about long workouts. The University of Cambridge in England reported that doing physical activity for 30 minutes 5 days a week decreases your risk of health issues.
2. A healthy balance of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals will help satisfy hunger and boost energy. Grab a box of Arbonne Nutrition Bars to fill the gaps in your diethttp://www.arbonne.com/ HealthAndWellness/ ArbonneEssentials/Fit/index. asp
3. Protect your joints! Research at Stanford University reported that many experiments show how running may actually protect your knees and help increase cartilage cells. Promote join flexibility and comfort with Arbonne Joint Support http://www.arbonne.com/ HealthAndWellness/ ArbonneEssentials/Fit/index. asp
4. Rev up your music selection. Ever notice that you pedal faster, run harder or lift more when a great song comes on your headphones? Our minds react to beats so take advantage of music by loading an upbeat playlist to get you that extra mile and lift that extra weight.
What helps you stay fit? Share with us at https://www.facebook.com/ Wellnesscoachsue
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