Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Earth Day!

It's official spring has sprung! For many of us that means changing over our wardrobes from sweaters to tank tops, a good spring cleaning of our home and most importantly ... more time outside! As we all love nature's beauty and everything it has to offer, we need to ensure we are keeping it in pristine condition for generations to come. In honor of Earth Day (April 22nd), we have found 20 fun and easy ways to keep
Mother Earth looking her best!

1. Plant an herb garden
2. Switch all your light bulbs to CFLs
3. Create a homemade compost bin
4. Switch one appliance to an energy efficient model (look for the “energy star” label)
5. Stop using disposable bags, use reusable bags
6. Buy an inexpensive reusable water bottle, and eliminate plastic disposable bottles
7. Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot
8. Turn off lights when you leave the room
9. Don’t turn on lights at all for as long as you can—open your curtains and enjoy natural light
10. Drive the speed limit, and combine all your errands for the week in one trip
11. Walk or ride a bike for errands that are two miles or closer
12. Support your local economy and shop at farmer’s markets
13. Turn off your computer completely at night
14. Research whether you can sign up for green power from your utility company
15. Pay your bills online
16. Put a stop to unsolicited mail — sign up to opt out of pre-screened credit card offers
17. Reuse scrap paper. Print on two sides, or let your kids color on the back side of used paper
18. Conduct a quick energy audit of your home
19. Subscribe to good eco-friendly blogs
20. Before buying anything new, first check your local Craigslist or Freecycle

The Arbonne family only provides products and packaging that are botanically based and eco-friendly. To learn more about the Arbonne community and all they have to offer, check us out at

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