Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What are you drinking?

After a great workout many of us indulge in a tasty protein drink to help us get in shape and have well toned muscles. Not just for athletes and body builders, protein shakes are popular with moms, dads, teenagers and the occasional workout buddy. The last thing that we think about is the safety of brand name beverages, especially those that are advertised as healthy, increased fitness and safe.

As investigated by The Early Show, www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/06/01/earlyshow/main6537686.shtml, some protein shakes have ingredients such as arsenic, cadmium and lead that are extremely harmful to our health. The article explains that fifteen different brands of protein drinks were tested for four different metals- all of which were found in all fifteen drinks.

1. Arsenic

2. Mercury

3. Cadmium

4. Lead

Knowing where our products come from and most important what ingredients we are consuming, is a vital part of our health and knowledge. At the end of the day there is no one who cares more about our health and bodies than us.

Arbonne has an entire line of protein shakes, powders, tabs and mixes available to consumers. How does Arbonne’s protein line rate against its metal filled counterparts?

All of Arbonne’s protein lines are vegan, kosher and contain no animal by products or animal products. Each shake contains fifteen percent of daily required vitamins with no saturated fat, cholesterol or lactose along with no artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors. The shakes provide fifteen percent of the recommend daily essential minerals, three percent of your sodium and six percent of your potassium needs.

So if it so good for you where is the protein actually coming from? Unlike other protein shakes, Arbonne shakes are not made with soy or whey protein. The protein sources come from cranberries, golden pea and rice bran proteins. Examining the entire list of ingredients there is nothing listed with lead, arsenic and cadmium in any of the Arbonne products. Plus Arbonne Protein drinks taste great!

What have you drank today?

For a full list of our protein line visit www.arbonne.com/healthandwellness/arbonneessentials/products/index.asp


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