Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Water Water everywhere!

How many glasses of water do you drink per day?
The amount of water you should consume is based on several things:
1.     How often do you exercise?
2.     What is your diet?
3.     What medications do you take?
4.     What is the climate you live in?
Feeling thirsty yet?
An easy way to see if you body needs the recommended 8 glass of water per day is to take a peek at your urine color: bright yellow start chugging, clear or pale your in the hydration zone.  
Water may not be as exciting as the many flavors of soda, coffees and teas, but what it lacks in flavor it makes up for in health benefits. 
Creative ways to drink more water while loving the taste:
1.     Stay hydrated all day with the Arbonne Essentials companion
2.     Arbonne offers a high energy Fizz Stick which promotes alertness and enhances cognitive performance. It is really great for adding flavor to your water on the go or every time you pour yourself a glass.
3.     Always have lemons in the house to quickly slice and put in water.  Having a hint of flavor in your water makes it seem like a guilty treat. Add crushed ice and an umbrella straw to make a hydrating delight.
4.     Infused tea!  Each week try out a new tea flavor, you wont even realize it is water you are drinking.  Try a delicious, mild and decaffeinated herbal tea from Arbonne.  It supports liver and kidneys for optimal health.
Keep an eye out for the flavored water that claims to be healthy.  Many brands are loaded with more sugar than candy bars.

What do you put in your water to make it delicious?

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